Cultural event


Centro Studi Cultura e Società Torino (Italy)

17 December 2019


Christmas meditation with BYZANTINE SONG

With the opportunity to celebrate and exchange wishes for a Merry Christmas, the vocal group Irini Pasi Ensemble offers a musical interlude at the Center for Culture and Society Studies in Turin.

Songs taken from the Christmas repertoire of Orthodox Christianity will be sung involving the audience in the performance of the songs

Irini Pasi presents herself for the occasion in a music therapy-therapeutic guise.

In addition to singing, there will be a conference of BYZANTINE CHRISTMAS MUSIC THERAPY2019 in which Irini Pasi will explain the qualities of Byzantine prayer with a view to increasing the quality of life of the person and his family.

Byzantine chant is not yet widespread in Italy, especially in the Italian language, but it is used and known throughout the Christian East.

“The voice in Byzantine chant is natural and not tempered. This respects man on an anthropological and physiological level.

The Byzantine chant does not require an instrument. It is enough to produce a vocal drone with the voice.

It has an immediate effect on the body ranging from bodily to spiritual vibrations. The mind does not guide. It has as its model the vocal cords with its nuances and possibilities of discovery “.

(Extract from the music therapy thesis “Byzantine chant as an expressive modality”

by Irene Rotondale.

Irini Pasi Ensemble is the first Italian choir of Byzantine chant.

On the occasion of the concert, the Byzantine Chant Therapy, a method of singing therapy for everyone, will be presented.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with BYZANTINE MUSIC THERAPY CHRISTMAS2019!

Byzantine song therapy: between culture and well-being | Irini Pasi

Irene Rotondale “Turin Spirituality” | the place of words

Canto bizantino therapy: tra cultura e benessere | Irini Pasi
